An application for issuance of the licence for performance of the electricity distribution activity in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been filed with the State Electricity Regulatory Commons (SERC).

The application was filed by the Public Utility Company “Komunalno Brčko” d.o.o. Brčko District BiH.

The core activity of the Company, which was established on 28 December 2007 pursuant to a Decision of the Assembly of Brčko District of BiH, is the provision of services of general interest in the area of Brčko District of BiH, which primarily refers to electricity distribution, water production and distribution, transport and disposal of waste materials and maintenance of public areas.

The applicant is a holder of the licence for performance of the electricity distribution activity expiring on 31 October 2020.

The application will be decided upon pursuant to SERC rules and regulations through the procedure without holding a formal hearing. Interested members of the public may object to this decision of SERC.

The application has to verify technical, legal and financial capacities of the applicant to continue to perform the same activity pursuant to the criteria, conditions and standards prescribed by the law and SERC rules.

Any person interested in acquiring intervener status may file a request in writing with SERC no later than 30 July 2020. Intervener status may be granted to a person who proves a direct interest in the procedure for issuance of the licence, which differs from the general public interest in the issuance of the licence.

By 30 July 2020, the public will have an opportunity to have an insight into individual documents of the application at the SERC premises  or submit comments in writing pertaining to the subject of the procedure at the SERC address (Tuzla, Đorđa Mihajlovića 4/II, fax 035/302-077, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

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