Rules and Codes Print

The Grid Code  defines the manner of planning and development of the transmission system, conditions for connection (procedures, contracts, criteria), the manner of operational planning (consumption forecast,  parties responsible for balancing, management of grid limitations), and operational activities (dispatching, procedures, communications), measures in extraordinary situations (consumption control, restart of the system after black-out), the manner of  billing metering in the power system and other necessary technical measures for qualitative and reliable operation of the transmission system.


The Market Rules define the relationships between the ISO BiH and licensed participants in the electricity market by defining participants themselves, the scope of their activities and commercial relationships in the electricity market. They also define how the ISO BiH shall fulfill its obligations related to management and operation of the balancing mechanism, management of contracts for purchase of ancillary services, provision of data for power transaction settlements (commercial metering), congestion management, allocations of fees for unplanned deviations with outer control zones, invoicing for ancillary services and balancing etc.








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